

My holidays

This summer I am going to Menorca with Marina. There, there are splendid beaches and a lot of sunRisa. I’ll be there for only one week, but then I’m going to Can buigues in my hometown. I’m going to go to AULES and to a Hockey camp, in Pallars Jussà.

I like a lot the beach, so, next holidays i goig to go to the beach and to the river if there are some water.


Mammoth (marina prieto)

Woolly Mammoths were large elephants that lived from about 120,000 to 4,000 years ago, during the last Ice Age. Cave paintings of the Woolly Mammoth have been found in France and Spain. Woolly Mammoths are closely related to the indian Elephan.These animals are members of the elephant family and close relatives of modern elephants.

Anatomy and Diet: Woolly Mammoths had long, black, shaggy fur and two huge, curving tusks. The tusks were used for protection and for digging in the snow for grass and other food. Woolly Mammoths were about 11.5 feet (3.5 m) long, 9.5 feet (2.9 m) tall and weighed about 3 tons (2.75 tonnes).

They had to adapt to cold, for this reason they had long her (which insulated its body and kept it warm), its long tusks (which it used to get food through the snow and ice, and also may have been used as protection), its small ears (which minimized heat loss), and its relatively large size (which also minimized heat loss).

Most populations of the woolly mammoth in North America and Eurasia died out at the end of the last Ica Age. About 12,000 years ago, warmer, wetter weather began to take hold. Rising sea levels swamped the coastal regions.

Its possible that the extintion of the mammoth was for diferent things:

-the climate change



ARCHELON (laura madrenas)

ARCHELON (laura madrenas)


Archelon was a extinct sea turtle. It was seen around 1895 in the South of Dakota.The largest Archelon fossil, was found in 1970, it measures more than 4 meters, and it is 70 years old.

The Archelon, was a tipe of turtle, but most big.

Did not have a solid shell,k was a carnivore.

It lived during the time of the dinosaurs.

The Archelon Weighed 2200 kilos, they moved very slowly.

Females laid the eggs on the shore.


My grandparents lived in a small village, in Pallars jussa, la vall fosca.They lived in a house of stone.The house had a cellar, where they amagatzem food.Also they wash the clothes.

There wasen’t cars.They can’t not travel a lot moon.They wasen’t a washinmachine, they have to wash by hand.There were no buildings.

My grandparent, works in hidroelcetric central, and my grandmother , clean the house, wash clother, and make food.

They have a big house, and 3 dogs.


BALUCHITHERIUM:)(joana marturià)

BALUCHITHERIUM:)(joana marturià)


Baluchitherium means "beast of Baluchistan".

The Baluchitherium was a hornless rhinoceros like mammals. It lived in Asia, including Kazakhstan, Pakistan, India, Mongolia i China. It is the largest land mammal known, with 5 to 5.5 metres tall at the shoulder and over 8 metres in lenght without the tail. It weighted over 10 up to about 20 tones. The neck was very long and it had a robust trunk.

The Baluchitherium was an herbivore that eat the leaves of the trees.

We don’t know for sure the causes of the extinction of the Baluchitherium, but we think that it can be, the ice age, a meteorite or climatic changes. We don’t know for sure because the Baluchitherium is a prehistoric animal, and we have little information of it.

GLYPTODON (Jana Reventós)

GLYPTODON (Jana Reventós)


The Glyptodon is  extinct animal. Was lived in south and North American, 11.000 years ago. Is a mammal animal, it was an herbivore (also eat herb). It was a terrestrial animal (live in the land).

The Glyptodon the size are 1’4 t there are very weighted .It measured 3 meters. More or less. The appearance superficially is of dinosaurian. Their have a big shell and strong, there was covered with scales (the color of the shell is brown), four legs and large and strong tail.

They live in hot habitats.

The extinction of glyptodon was from 11.000 to 8.500 years ago.  The causes of extinction are that the humans destroyed their habitats to built village (prehistory). The humans hunted their, to use the shells to protect themselves from the climate adverse.

EUROPEAN MINK(Aida Tirvió Bakouch)





The European Mink has found in many regions of, Spain,France,Romania,Ukraine,Estonia, and great part of Russia.

This animal is very similar to the American Mink.The European Mink has flexible body,bushy tails, and webbed paws.Male European Mink has 28-43 cm in body length, and the females has 30-40 cm long.

European Mink are solitary animals, and live in dens close to fresh water.They range over an area of shoreline or riverbank up to four kilometres in length, and defend the territory with a combination of scene marking and physical aggression.

The European mink is one of the most endangered mammals in the world.The endangered western population of European mink Mustela lutreola has shown a large decline over its natural range, though in Iceland the breed has grown rampant and is an evergrowing problem, especially to river owners leasing it for fishing



My grandparents lived in Girona, in a small village "Caldes de malavella", in a big and old house. It had two flors. My grandmother’s house had one kichen, three betrooms, a diningroom, two bathrooms and a garden.                                                                                                                           

There wasn’t a washing mashine, their have to go in a comunal washing sin,  there wasn’t internet and microowaves. Their don’t had car, they have to go walking. 

They played with handmade toys.

My grandparents went to diferents schools. Then went to live in Barcelona, and started working in a shop.                                      




LIFE IN MY GRANDPARENTS TIME!   (joana marturià)

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In their time, my grandparents went to the same school. They had to learn in Spanish because Franco was in power. They didn't have computers, and they used  typing machines. I think that the school was darker, the persons smoked a lot and the classes were different because the teacher smoked and they were more strict.

They lived in Barcelona. My grandmother started to work in a shoe shop when she was young. My grandmother lived with her parents in a house that didn't have washing machine, to wash the clothes they used a communal washing sink. I don't know if the house was big or small, but Barcelona in these times was a little city, were there were horses, no cars and the houses were more dark. They didn't have microowaves, and they heated the food with coal and wood stoves. They put ice under the fridge. They played with hand made toys like chess or domino.

They use candels and oil lamps to illuminate the house, but they didn't have corrent water and air condition.

Our grandfathers are not different so differentfrom us because they like to play and they always were young.Risa


Life in my gradmothers' time (marina prieto)

Life in my gradmothers' time (marina prieto)


My grandmother was born in 1920, 28 th of February in Galicia and she lived in a small village, " feira vella".  She lived in a big stone house . The house was quite big because she had a lot of brothers. The house had two kitchens: one for summer and the other for winter, two bath, a lot of bedrooms, around 4 or 5. They had a big garden and a vegetable garden, two caws, pigs and chickens.

There wasn’ t electric light and they used candles, oil and cool lanterns. So there wasn’t washing machine, they had to go to a communal washing sin .They hadn’t a microwaves, she had to  heat the food, liquids and all the thing that their need in the stove. There wasn’t heating, they had faire place .There was neither computers, television, radio...There wasn’t many cars, they had to move by food or in horses carriage. 

The electric light didn’t arrived til she was 8 or 9 years old.

My grandmother went to the village school.





My grandmother lived in Cantabria; her house was in the country, next to de village. Her house was vary big it had old furniture, but they don’t have computers, washing machine (washing their clothes in the river), mobile, microwave, and more things that today old the people have in the house. There have a farm with cows, rabbits, chickens and more animals. My grandmother milking cows. She moves walking to go at the school, to the river, village and more places. Doesn’t have a care because were very expensive, the cars had only rich people.

At her school there wasn’t computers (wasn’t internet), tv (to see documentals, films, ...), projectors and more things. They have to learn and write in Spanish because Franco hat to do. At the civil war there was not enough food, and altmos alvays at the same food.

My grand mother was married, and had to be moved to Barcelona for the work of my grandfather.

Marilyn Monroe(Aida Tirvió Bakouch)

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Monroe began his career as a model represented by Emmeline Snively, who advises her to dye her hair platinum blonde and it said it would be a great teaser for the public. [2] To improve its features, Marilyn thin eyebrows and his nose is operated .

In 1945 appears on the cover of more than 30 magazines. Was known as "the dream of photographers. In July of that year, Ben Lyon, head of distribution for 20th Century Fox agrees to interview and became fascinated. Shortly after the contract by $ 125 to semana.Le change the name to "Marilyn Monroe" was chosen "Marilyn" in honor of a former actress and "Monroe" was the maiden name of his mother.

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Monroe began his career as a model represented by Emmeline Snively, who advises her to dye her hair platinum blonde and it said it would be a great teaser for the public. [2] To improve its features, Marilyn thin eyebrows and his nose is operated .

In 1945 appears on the cover of more than 30 magazines. Was known as "the dream of photographers. In July of that year, Ben Lyon, head of distribution for 20th Century Fox agrees to interview and became fascinated. Shortly after the contract by $ 125 to semana.Le change the name to "Marilyn Monroe" was chosen "Marilyn" in honor of a former actress and "Monroe" was the maiden name of his mother.

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Marilin it die when he have 36 years old.

And his vital organs, which were extracted for a more thorough analysis, disappeared mysteriously.
Three days later, Joe DiMaggio, her second husband, the funeral held in private. Lee Strasberg delivered the following words of farewell: "I can not say goodbye to Marilyn never liked to say goodbye. But taking his particular way of changing things in order to face the reality, say 'So long'. Because someday visit every country where it has taken.



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In December 1950, Johnny died of a infarto.La ex wife forced him to leave, takes clothes, gifts from the producer, and the isolation profesionalmente.Incluso the acuasa have, somehow, the man who destroyed amaba.La the situation pushed the actress to try suicidarse.Esta very difficult time for her, because she has participated in a dozen movies but can not say that his career is


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Archivo:Marilyn Monroe, The Prince and the Showgirl, 1.jpg

What is happening to de world(Aida Tirvió Bakouch)


the earth is hot and the pollution is agument.

Scientists have developed clear ideas regarding the future climate changes and recent events. According to the report: 12 of the last 13 years have been the warmest since records began, the ocean temperatures have increased at least three kilometers below the surface, glaciers, the snow-covered and have fallen in permahielo both hemispheres, the sea level is rising at a rate of almost 2mm a year, day and night cream, and frost are more scarce while the hot nights and heat waves are more frequent.
According to the authors of the report, the reason is obvious: "It is very likely that increases in greenhouse gases have. These increases will make a continuous planet 3 º C warmer by 2100, although the report acknowledges that one might expect increases of 4.5 º C to 5 º C. Given this scenario, the ice caps melt, there will be a rise in sea levels, floods, cyclones and storms.
  In short, we are the creators of our own destruction.

There are many problems like, for example, the greenhouse.

The greenhouse os a construction to make the plants row up, why the greenhouse effect, because  the atmosphere acts like susnlause, the greenhouse effect in involved gas, this gas is Co2.


As a result the leve of the water in the oceans will increase.Olso the pinguins die.
This affect to all the senses, or example the human deseses like malaria wil speed, also the weather is going to more violent and undperditable.
The kyoto conference is a   group that many people in the world say ideas to help the planet.
We must:
Reduce carbon dioside
Buy local food and organic is is possible

We mustn’t:
Use too much oil coalor fuels

We can:
Walk or ride bikes
Also go in public transpor


Aida Tirvió Bakouch

Save our world (marina prieto)

Save our world (marina prieto)

In our planet there is a lot of pollution because  the carbon dioxide produced by cars,  planes, factories and more things  that make a greenhouse effect.

This effect makes the temperatures rise up, because the carbon dioxide is like a glass that allows the sun rays enter but not to leave out, and the world worms more. This will also affect the poles, because with the  change in temperature the glass melts, and many animals are left without habitat. This can cause some species went extinct.
When the glass melt, oceans increase the water level and the water is going to get more violent and inpredicable.If it happens, there will be more floods, tornados, hurricanes, etc.

Some people thinks that the climate is not changing because they are using  a lot of fuel to make money. But there’s a conference cold Kyoto, were goes people from all the countries and they talk about what is happening and they began to try and agree about climate change.


To help stop global warming:


-We must recycle, reuse,  in summer turn out the conditioned air, reduce  carbon dioxide production and walk or use the bicycle.


-We mustn’t throw all  things in the same container , throw things that can be used, use the car for short distances, put the heating very high , used a lot of things that we don’t need and use a lot of fuel or oil.


-We can have little containers in our house, use public transport and  buy just the things we need.



George Harrison (by marina prieto)

George Harrison (by marina prieto)

George Harrison (25 February 1943 – 29 November 2001) was an English rock guitarist, singer-songwriter and film producer. He achieved international fame as lead guitarist in The Beatles, and is listed number 21 in Rolling Stone Magazine’s list of "The 100 Best Guitarists of All Time". His interests included gardening and motor racing

In the group of The Beatles , the songs were written by Lennon and McCartney, but Harrison wrote one song : Help! .Later he wrote more compositions with The Beatles: “Here Comes the Sun", "Something" and "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" and successful triple album. After the band’s breakup, Harrison continued writing, releasing the acclaimed and successful triple album, All Things Must Pass, in 1970, from which came the number one single "My Sweet Lord".

He had a successful career as a solo artist and later as part of the Traveling Wilburys, the super group he formed in 1988 with Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne and Roy Orbison.

George Harrison embraced Indian culture and Hinduism in the 1960s, and with Ravi Shankar he organized a major charity concert with the 1971 Concert for Bangladesh.

In his work as a film producer, he collaborated with people as diverse as Madonna and the members of Monty Python. He was a close friend of Eric Clapton.

He was married twice, to the model Pattie Boyd in 1966, and to the record company secretary Olivia Trinidad Arias in 1978, with whom he had one son, Dhani Harrison.

George Harrison died of cancer the 29th November of 2001.

AUDREY HEPBURN!(joana marturià)

AUDREY HEPBURN!(joana marturià)

Audrey hepburn was born in Belgica in 4th May of 1929 and Deutch-raised actress of British and Dutch ancestry. Born in Bruselas, Hepburn lived in Arnhem in the Netherlands during her chilhood and for the duration of the Second World War. She studied ballet there and then moved to London in 1948, where she studied drama and worked as a photographer's model. After making few films and appearing in the 1951 Broadway play Gigi, Hepburn played the lead role in Roman Holiday(1953), winning an Academy Award, a Golden Globe and a BAFTA for her performance. She also won a Tony Award for her performance in Ondine (1954).

Over the next several years, she was one of the most succeful film actresses in the world, and performed with some of Hollywood's most notable leading men, including  Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Henry Fonda, Gry Cooper and Fred Astaire, with whom she danced in Funny Face(1957). She won BAFTA A wards for her performances in The Nun's Story (1959) and Charade (1963), and recibed Academy Award nominations for her work in Sbrina(1954), Breakfast at Tiffany's(1961) and Wait Until Dark(1967). She also played Eliza Doolittle in the film version of My Fair Lady(1964), though the vocals were dubbed by Mrni Nixon.

Her war-time experiences inspired her passion for humanitarian work, and although she had worked for UNICEF since the 1950s, during her later life, she dedicated much of her time and energy to the organitzation. From 1988 until 1992, she worked in some of the most prfundly disadvantaged communties of Africa, South America and Asia. In 1992, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

Hepburn was married twince, and had a son  with each of her husbands , the actor Mel Ferrer, and the psychiatrist Andrea Dotti. From 1980 until her death, she lived with the actor Robert Wolders. She died of clorectal cancer at her home in Switzerland at the age of 63, in 20 January of 1993.

She was posthumously awarded the The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for her Humanitarian work. She received a posthumous Grammy Award  for her spoken word recording, Audrey Hepburn Encanted Tales in 1944, and in the dsame year, won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Acievement for Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn, thereby becoming one of a few people to receive an Academy, Emmy, Grammy and Tony award, In 1999, she was ranked as the third greatest female star of all time bi the American Film Institute.






Stephen Robert Irwin was born on 22 February 1962 and died on 4 September 2006. His nickname was "The Crocodile Hunter”.

 He worked in the Australia Zoo founded by his parents, feeding the animals and doing maintenance activities. Stephen with nine years old he was in contact with crocodiles and reptiles.

 He was very famous and he worked on a television program “The Crocodile Hunter, a wildlife documentary series.

 In 1991, he met Terri Raines, she is from Oregon in the United States. They married in June 1992. They had two children: a daughter and a son.His popularity in the United States promoted Australia as a tourist destination there.

 In 2001, Irwin won the Centenary Medal for his "service to global conservation and to Australian tourism".

He died in 2006, he was filming a program and a stingray killed Steve in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.



Joan Reventós (Jana Reventós)

Joan Reventós (Jana Reventós)


Joan Reventós Carner (Barcelona, 26 July 1927 - 13 January 2004) was a Spanish politician, one of the founders of the Socialist Party of Catalonia and President of the Parliament of Catalonia. He was grandson Jaume Carner.
Joined the Socialist Movement of Catalonia

Was arrested for his political activism in 1957 and passed a few months in prison.
Then joined a Socialist Convergence of Catalonia and in 1976 he founded the Socialist Party of Catalonia-Congress. In 1977, this game was presented to the General Elections to the Catalan Socialist Federation of the PSOE. Became the latest Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSC-PSOE), which was first elected secretarial.
Was Member of Parliament of Catalonia. Between 1983 and 1986 was an ambassador to France.
30 November 1995 he was elected president of the Parliament of the Catalunya. Was President, 1999. In 2000 was awarded with the Medal of Honor of the Parliament of Catalonia in 2005 and the Gold Medal of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
Died of an illness in Barcelona on 13 January 2004.


By: Jana Reventós



GLOBAL WARMING (Laura Madrenas)


The Earth is getting warmer because people are burning fuel: oil, gas and coal used in cars, aeroplanes, power stations… A lot of people are making too much carbon dioxide called green house gasses and that green house gas goes up into the air (it’s the greenhouse effect).

The world is hotting up and it’s people’s fault. There was a big conference at Kyoto in Japan to give solutions to the problem. Lots of promises were made but countries but some governments didn’t help.

Climate change is real: The ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic is melting,

sea levels and temperatures are rising, there are floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornados and storms.

We can do something to stop global warming.

- Use the public transport and walk.

- Reduce, reuse and recycle

- Leaving lights, heating, air conditioning, computers, TVs…on when you don’t need them, wastes a lot of energy.

Let’s do it!Guiño