Life in my gradmothers' time (marina prieto)
My grandmother was born in 1920, 28 th of February in Galicia and she lived in a small village, " feira vella". She lived in a big stone house . The house was quite big because she had a lot of brothers. The house had two kitchens: one for summer and the other for winter, two bath, a lot of bedrooms, around 4 or 5. They had a big garden and a vegetable garden, two caws, pigs and chickens.
There wasn’ t electric light and they used candles, oil and cool lanterns. So there wasn’t washing machine, they had to go to a communal washing sin .They hadn’t a microwaves, she had to heat the food, liquids and all the thing that their need in the stove. There wasn’t heating, they had faire place .There was neither computers, television, radio...There wasn’t many cars, they had to move by food or in horses carriage.
The electric light didn’t arrived til she was 8 or 9 years old.
My grandmother went to the village school.
1 comentario
joana marturià -
i'm hear in english class and I read your text, and is the best text I read