
What is happening to de world(Aida Tirvió Bakouch)


the earth is hot and the pollution is agument.

Scientists have developed clear ideas regarding the future climate changes and recent events. According to the report: 12 of the last 13 years have been the warmest since records began, the ocean temperatures have increased at least three kilometers below the surface, glaciers, the snow-covered and have fallen in permahielo both hemispheres, the sea level is rising at a rate of almost 2mm a year, day and night cream, and frost are more scarce while the hot nights and heat waves are more frequent.
According to the authors of the report, the reason is obvious: "It is very likely that increases in greenhouse gases have. These increases will make a continuous planet 3 º C warmer by 2100, although the report acknowledges that one might expect increases of 4.5 º C to 5 º C. Given this scenario, the ice caps melt, there will be a rise in sea levels, floods, cyclones and storms.
  In short, we are the creators of our own destruction.

There are many problems like, for example, the greenhouse.

The greenhouse os a construction to make the plants row up, why the greenhouse effect, because  the atmosphere acts like susnlause, the greenhouse effect in involved gas, this gas is Co2.


As a result the leve of the water in the oceans will increase.Olso the pinguins die.
This affect to all the senses, or example the human deseses like malaria wil speed, also the weather is going to more violent and undperditable.
The kyoto conference is a   group that many people in the world say ideas to help the planet.
We must:
Reduce carbon dioside
Buy local food and organic is is possible

We mustn’t:
Use too much oil coalor fuels

We can:
Walk or ride bikes
Also go in public transpor


Aida Tirvió Bakouch

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