
GLOBAL WARMING (Laura Madrenas)


The Earth is getting warmer because people are burning fuel: oil, gas and coal used in cars, aeroplanes, power stations… A lot of people are making too much carbon dioxide called green house gasses and that green house gas goes up into the air (it’s the greenhouse effect).

The world is hotting up and it’s people’s fault. There was a big conference at Kyoto in Japan to give solutions to the problem. Lots of promises were made but countries but some governments didn’t help.

Climate change is real: The ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic is melting,

sea levels and temperatures are rising, there are floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornados and storms.

We can do something to stop global warming.

- Use the public transport and walk.

- Reduce, reuse and recycle

- Leaving lights, heating, air conditioning, computers, TVs…on when you don’t need them, wastes a lot of energy.

Let’s do it!Guiño

1 comentario

maria rosa batlle -

all the posts on global warming areexcellent!congratulations!