In the planet every day there is more pollution and more animals that die and the plants because of the climate changethe global warming. The causes are: the patrol, gas and carbon dioxide of the car, the waste of the factories that pollute the rivers the air and more causes that produce this change like a greenhouse. In the earth all the ice of the poles melts will start to flit the oceans and sea level begins to rise, and the earth flood. The animals of the poles died penguins, polar bear and more animals. The cities next to the sea or under the water level were flooding like London New Orleans, etc. The weather is going to get more violent and unpredictable. There are a conference that about climate change there is Kyoto conference. This conference there is in Japan. Here they began to try what to do about climate change. TO PROTECT THE PLANET: WE MUST: WE MUSTN’T: -Reduce carbon dioxide. - Use too much oil, coal. -Recycle(the paper the plastic...). - Throw all the things in -Reuse (paper...). the same container. -Walk cons going by care . - Throw things that we -In summer turn the air can use. condition down. - Use the car, motto, etc. -In winter turn the hooting down -Put the air condition up the calefaction high. WE CAN: -Walk, ride bikes or takes the public transport instead of using the care -Make things with reuse or recycles materials. - Put the paper, plastic and glass in his container. YES WE CAN PROTECT THE PLANET!!! Jana Reventós
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